Gediminas Morkevičius
Mon, Dec 21, 2015pragmatic senior software engineer / developer / polyglot.
Open Source and sharing
- Doctrine Extensions 5 years, learned how to maintain and reject new features.
- Sqlmock year, respects backward compatibility.
- KnpPaginatorBundle 5 years, has grown complicated while sacrificing simplicity over easy interface.
- dotfiles, simple-terminal and statusbar which are my closest friends.
Frequent speaker at local conferences.
Kaunas University of Technology - Bachelor’s Degree, Informatics 2003-2008.
Empathic, slow, reticent. Constantly learning whole life, love to read books including philosophy, novels and fiction. I do not blindly follow the rules, but tend to question them. I always prefer composite, simple solutions or even code duplication over sophisticated abstractions.
Work experience
In total 10 years. Workplace details on linkedin.
- 3 years C++.
- 5 years PHP, javascript.
- 2 years GO.
- 1 year JAVA.
- 2 years leading teams, internal trainings.
Always worked in a team of 2 - 8 people and I’m against large teams. Skilled engineers know what needs to be done if goals are clear. A team of skilled people, do not need to be led.